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Video surveillance solutions for Utilities

Intelligent Video Surveillance Solutions for the Utilities Industry

Transforming the present for a more efficient and sustainable future

As the Utilites industry transforms for a more efficient and sustainable future, there is a demand for solutions that support more collaborative ways of working to optimise resources, improve process management and minimise the number of incidents.

Having a solution that can evolve and adapt to changing regulations and reduce security risks for your teams has become a priority to avoid incidents that can result in millions of dollars in losses.

Safeguarding long-lived assets, minimizing operational risks and reducing costs enables energy companies to offer more competitive services to consumers.

Are you ready for a complete transformation of your facility?

Challenges for Utilities

Changes in threats

As utilities go digital, security risks increase.

Investing in technologies that allow physical and cyber security to converge is crucial for the protection of infrastructures and to reduce exposure to threats that can result in millions of economic losses.

Does your current video system provide the necessary tools to protect against physical and cyber threats?

Change Management

We are facing an industry that is increasingly regulated and exposed to continuous mergers between companies that must integrate their systems.

Having a solution capable of managing change and adapting to new situations, such as new environmental regulations, is essential to continue business as usual.

Is your video system capable of adapting to change?

More collaborative environments

Video Business Intelligence allows you to process data from your CCTV systems, providing a cross-cutting tool for business decision making.

This analysis of data and its use to make decisions becomes fundamental to have competitive advantages.

Does your video system provide information to reduce uncertainty and make good decisions?

Video solutions for utilities

SCATI offers an open video platform capable of integrating with other systems and evolving and adapting to any future scenario without the need for additional investment.

Manage all video devices from our platform and fully exploit all the information coming from video systems to improve and optimize resources, automate processes and minimize security risks.


Comprehensive, open and scalable solution

Manage all devices from a single VMS platform and simplify operational management for your staff. The solution is open and scalable, so it can be integrated with other systems and grow at any time without additional investment.

Local and centralised management of installations

View and manage devices, monitor system-wide status, and facilitate investigations from one place at any time.

High availability and redundancy

Your images, data and storage will be continuously accessible even in the most critical situations where servers may go offline.

Process Monitoring

Identify and resolve any issues with video camera monitoring of processes.

Complete visibility of your live processes optimizes workflows, maximizes production and reduces costs.

Traceability and asset tracking

Track any person or asset through maps and floor plans and know their location and movements at all times.

Business Intelligence

Your system will collect the information associated with the images so that your entire company can make decisions that improve daily operations, optimize processes and maximize efficiency.

Video surveillance for utilities:
adding value to your business

SCATI’s intelligent video systems ensure the comprehensive security of your facility and enable you to establish procedures that minimize the number of incidents and achieve a safer working environment.

Our VMS SCATI VISION will allow you to improve your processes, resolve any incident in record time and optimize the allocation of your resources thanks to the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence in your systems.

Who benefits?

The incorporation of Artificial Intelligence in our video systems makes them a transversal and necessary tool for any company.

Data, measurements and information from video surveillance systems can be used by other areas of the company to optimize procedures, improve customer knowledge or increase turnover.

Discover how video technology enables you to ensure security, optimize your resources and maximize the profitability of your facility.


Maintain control of the security of all your facilities and provide tools for your team to respond quickly to incidents.

Prevention and Occupational Risks

Implement an occupational risk prevention plan in convergence with the safety system to minimize occupational accidents.


Having a comprehensive security platform will save you time in keeping fewer systems up to date.


Monitor processes even under the most adverse conditions and make decisions to improve your efficiency.


Establish shifts and schedules of your employees according to the production needs of each moment.

case studies


Beni Amir (Morocco)

Identificación y resolución de incidencias gracias a las imágenes de vídeo

Tufanbeyli Enerjise (Turkey)

Supervisión del proceso de apilado y transporte del carbón

SIBO solar plant (Guatemala)

Protección perimetral de la mayor planta solar de Centro América

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