Sustainable and safe urban growth

Video Surveillance Solutions for Public Safety


Video surveillance systems for public safety and citizen security

For a sustainable and safe development

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Currently 55% of the world’s population resides in cities and this proportion is expected to increase to 13% by 2050 (Source: WHO). The growth in population density poses a major challenge for authorities, who have to design sustainable urban growth and mobility plans and to deal with rising levels of insecurity.

Large cities represent complex scenarios with large areas to monitor and where it is not possible to count on the continuous physical presence of Security Forces and Corps. Therefore, the implementation of technology and, specifically, video surveillance systems, becomes an essential tool to ensure public safety.

The application of technologies such as Deep Learning in video surveillance and Big Data are transforming security towards a predictive model in which machines facilitate decision-making by operators and where it is possible to immediately detect incidents, preventing and avoiding them.

Are you committed to sustainable urban growth?

Public Safety Challenges

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Change in threats

More and more devices, tools and equipment are becoming connected thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT).

No matter where the attack comes from, investment in technologies that enable the convergence of physical and cyber security is key to ensuring public safety.

Does your current video system use advanced authentication and encryption tools to protect against authentication and data encryption tools to protect against vulnerabilities?

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Change Management

We are facing an environment that is constantly evolving. Having an open platform, capable of adapting to changing needs and allowing cameras to be reused or third-party devices to be added and integrated, is essential to continue to evolve.

Is your video system capable of adapting to change?

entornos mas colaborativos

More collaborative environments

Public Security is a very broad concept that encompasses terrorist attacks, street crime or violence, traffic management and cybercrime, not forgetting border protection and all kinds of natural disasters.

Each need is managed by a competent agency or body. For this reason, it is necessary to have a platform capable of interrelating with other subsystems and facilitating collaboration between public and private entities.

Video Solutions for Public Safety

SCATI offers an open video platform capable of integrating with other systems and evolving and adapting to any future scenario without the need for additional investment.

Manage all video devices from our platform and fully exploit all the information coming from video systems to improve and optimize resources, automate processes and minimize security risks.

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portatil logistica
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Open, comprehensive and scalable

Manage all devices from a single VMS platform and simplify operational management for your staff.

The solution is open and scalable, so it can be integrated with other systems and grow at any time without additional investment.

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Local and centralised management of installations

View and manage devices, monitor system-wide status, and facilitate investigations from one place at any time.

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High image availability and redundancy

Your images, data and storage will be continuously accessible, even in the most critical situations where servers may go offline. Based on DB clustering and mission-critical failover systems, your platform will be able to coexist with other subsystems and meet all your expectations.

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Forensic search and preventive management

Advanced search tools are available to locate any person or vehicle and reduce the time to respond quickly to any incident.
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Rapid incident response

The key is to alert the operator when an incident actually occurs in order to make accurate decisions.

Program alerts and define responses to any circumstance, access images from anywhere and share information with other agencies if required.

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Business Intelligence

Your system will collect the information associated with all images in a dashboard so that all relevant agencies can make accurate decisions.

Collect information on vehicle license plates, face recognition, capacity and/or access, and provide useful data for decision making by any agency involved.

Video Surveillance for Public Safety:

SCATI’s intelligent video systems guarantee the comprehensive security of your facilities and will allow you to establish action protocols that eliminate threats and ensure total protection of your facilities.

Our VMS will allow you to improve your processes, resolve any incident in record time and optimize the allocation of your resources thanks to the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence in your systems.

Who benefits?

The incorporation of Artificial Intelligence in our video systems makes them a transversal and necessary tool for any company.

Data, measurements and information from video surveillance systems can be used by other areas of the company to optimize procedures, improve customer knowledge or increase turnover.

Discover how video technology enables you to ensure security, optimize your resources and maximize the profitability of your facility.

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Security Forces and Corps

Provide tools for your team to respond quickly to incidents, increase transparency, and facilitate collaboration between law enforcement and citizens.
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Detect critical situations and minimize the response time of emergency teams.

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Provide tools to monitor and control traffic in real time, avoiding traffic jams.

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Simplify cross-agency collaboration through solutions that connect devices and systems to improve city sustainability.

case studies


Ejea de los caballeros (Spain)


Centralized monitoring of dozens of cameras installed in public buildings and at critical points of the city, such as at entrances or on busy thoroughfares

Asiut and Menia (Egypt)

Monitoring of high crime areas

Riyad (Saudi Arabia)

High-performance CCTV system for one of the world's most modern cities

Those who have already trusted us
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