Integral security for critical infrastructures

Protection and continuity of sensitive operations


Advanced security and proactive response


Critical infrastructures, such as power plants, data centers, telecommunications or industrial facilities, require advanced security systems to ensure operational continuity and protect their assets against physical and cyber threats.

SCATI provides comprehensive security solutions ranging from perimeter protection to centralized management of video surveillance systems, access control and real-time data analysis.

The growing interconnection of devices increases the risk of cyber-attacks that seek to breach control and video surveillance systems. It is therefore crucial to have platforms that guarantee cybersecurity and allow centralized management of all systems, integrating both physical and logical security.

Do you need to have an infrastructure capable of evolving day by day?


Infrastructure Security Challenges

cambio en las amenazas

Change in threats

More and more devices, tools and equipment are becoming connected thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT).

It doesn’t matter where the attack comes from. Investing in technologies that allow physical and cyber security to converge to detect and eliminate threats is essential to ensure the total protection of any infrastructure.

Does your current security system use advanced authentication and data encryption tools to protect against vulnerabilities?

gestion cambio

Change Management

We are facing an environment that is constantly evolving.

Having an open platform, capable of adapting to changing needs and allowing the reuse of cameras or adding and integrating third-party devices is essential to continue evolving.

Is your security system capable of adapting to changes?

entornos mas colaborativos

Critical Infrastructure Challenges

The intelligent transformation of security systems allows images to be converted into data.

With information from security systems, decision making becomes easier to deal with any future threats.

Does your safety system provide information to reduce uncertainty and make good decisions?

SECURITY solutions for critical infrastructures

SCATI offers a comprehensive security platform that combines advanced video surveillance, access control and centralized systems management, enabling organizations to ensure the protection of their most valuable assets, optimize their operations and improve decision making.

Our ability to integrate systems and automate processes ensures that critical infrastructures can operate continuously and securely, meeting present and future challenges.

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Comprehensive, open and scalable solution

Manage all devices from a single VMS platform, simplify the operational management of your staff and flexibly expand your system at any time.

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Local and centralised management of installations

View and manage devices, monitor system-wide status, and facilitate investigations from one place at any time.

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High availability and redundancy

Your images, data and storage will be continuously accessible, even in the most critical situations where servers may lose connection.

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Forensic search and preventive management

Advanced search tools are available to locate any person or vehicle and optimize forensic work, while providing a rapid response to any incident.

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Proactive responses

Program alerts and define responses to any circumstance, access images from anywhere and share information with other agencies if you require additional support, increasing the efficiency of your facilities.

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Business Intelligence

Your system will collect the information associated with the images so that your entire organization can make decisions to stay ahead of any threats.


Critical infrastructures face the challenge of protecting against physical intrusions, cyber-attacks and operational failures while managing independent systems, which hinders an agile and efficient response. A systems integration platform allows all these subsystems to be unified into a single interface, optimizing management and improving end-to-end security.

SCATI SENTRY is an integration solution that centralizes the management of video surveillance, access control and alarms on a single platform. This not only facilitates monitoring and operational efficiency, but also strengthens physical and cyber protection in high-security environments.


ThermalScan cameras

360º vision without blind spots

ThermalScan cameras act as a thermal device that detects, classifies and tracks an unlimited number of targets (people, vehicles, etc.) automatically, over long distances and in the most adverse weather conditions and in total darkness. They are ideal for the protection of very large areas, both on land and at sea, as they replace hundreds of conventional cameras and simplify system installation and maintenance.

detection ranges scati thermalscan


SCATI ACCESS is an advanced access control platform that guarantees that only authorized personnel can enter critical areas through biometrics, license plate readers and facial recognition. This technology ensures exhaustive control over the entrances and exits to the facilities, eliminating the possibility of identity theft.

Integrated into the SCATI SENTRY platform, SCATI ACCESS optimizes operational security, facilitating unified management and simplifying access control operations in high-security environments.


proactive smart video surveillance

SUITE VISION is an smart video surveillance platform for critical infrastructure that uses thermal, high-resolution cameras and advanced video analytics to anticipate and detect incidents, providing a proactive response to threats. With advanced AI technology, it enables real-time data management and the integration of multiple systems into a single platform.

Complementing this solution, SCATI ANALYTICS provides a layer of intelligence and automation that optimizes security and operational efficiency by detecting incidents and monitoring all critical areas in real time.



The RECKON SUITE is SCATI’s Business Intelligence platform that centralizes and analyzes data to provide valuable information through graphs and dashboards.

Under a single platform, critical infrastructures can obtain a complete view of their operations, control in real time the use of facilities, the flow of people and vehicles, and the efficiency of security systems.

SCATI RECKON helps identify high-risk areas and periods of high activity, optimizing security resources. It detects operational patterns to support strategic decisions, improve operational management, guarantee business continuity and maximize infrastructure efficiency, improving security and profitability.

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Who benefits

The incorporation of Artificial Intelligence in our video systems makes them a transversal and necessary tool for any company.

Data, measurements and information from video surveillance systems can be used by other areas of the company to optimize procedures, improve customer knowledge or increase turnover.

Discover how video technology enables you to ensure security, optimize your resources and maximize the profitability of your facility.



Maintain control of the security of your entire facility and provide tools to enable your team to respond quickly to incidents.

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Centrally monitor all your facilities, even remote ones, and speed up investigation times to detect and prevent accidents.

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Having a comprehensive security platform will save you time in keeping fewer systems up to date.

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Monitor processes, even under the most adverse conditions, and make decisions to improve efficiency.



Establish shifts and schedules of your employees according to the production needs of each moment.

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case studies


Mi Teleférico – EETC (Bolivia)

teleferico 1

Protegiendo el transporte aéreo por cable más extenso del mundo.

Telefónica District (Spain)


Seguridad centralizada e integral de varios sistemas de terceros: alarmas, instrusión, incendios, accesos, etc.

King Abdullah Projects (Saudi Arabia)


Cámaras de videovigilancia de alta resolución de imagen con alta disponibilidad, adecuadas para soportar condiciones ambientales extremas.

have already trusted us

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aerodromo 1
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collserola 1
damietta port
egyptian railways 2
gobierno de espana 2

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