Comprehensive security solutions

Video Surveillance for Corporate Buildings

Ensuring the protection of people, facilities and information

The corporate buildings of banks, whether they are central office complexes, CPDs, social buildings such as museums or spaces open to the public, present different risks and needs to those environments of direct contact with the customer.

In many of these places there are mechanisms to control the access of workers or visitors, there are exclusive parking areas or also open to the public and large transit areas, in which at certain times many people come together at the same time.

In these scenarios the main assets to protect are people, information and knowledge.

Video surveillance for corporate buildings:

Guaranteeing the protection of people, installations and information.

case studies


Banco Santander Financial City

ciudad financiera

Integral management of the CCTV system and integration with intrusion and access systems.

BBVA Argentina Corporate
bbva argentina

Integral corporate security in Buenos Aires.

BBVA Peru Corporate

Integral Corporate Protection. Biometric access control with body temperature measurement and license plate recognition in parking lots.

THOSE WHO have already trusted us

coltefinanciera 2
davivienda 1
itau 1
kutxabank 1
santander 2
bbva 1
banorte 1
lafise 1
banco agrario colombia
ing 2

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