Total ATM Protection

Video Surveillance for ATMs

Video surveillance solutions for ATMs:
keep an eye on your ATMs

ATM security has become a specific need within the financial sector. ATM transactions are fast and convenient, but the machines and the areas around them can be susceptible to criminal activity if they are not properly secured.

The use of video surveillance and especially cameras and recorders equipped with intelligence help to ensure the security of customers and ATM transactions.

Consumers can often feel vulnerable, especially when using an ATM at night. In addition, fraudsters know how to manipulate the machines and steal confidential customer information.

SCATI has specific hardware and software solutions for these environments.

From cameras pinhole cameras to install inside the ATM to cameras to record the external environment, with the possibility of detection and / or facial recognition in order to avoid identity theft.

Our solutions for ATM’s are completed with recorders of reduced size for its adaptation to the interior of the ATM. Equipment that also has an integrated switch for direct connection of the cameras.

For the protection of ATM’s we have developed SCATI CASH, a specific software that integrates the video with the transactions made at the ATM itself.

SCATI CASH allows the business and fraud areas to have control of the images associated with each operation and to carry out verifications of these images in a centralized way in a quick and easy way.

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Prevention of external fraud. social engineering

Transactional video monitoring allows for an event viewer console that enables easy and immediate access to video.

In case of an event detected by the transactional monitoring software, a live alarm is received in the form of video for a visual verification of the event by the Social Engineering area and thus, be able to prevent fraud.

The solution receives alerts from the teller, by sensors and door opening, anti-skimmer alerts, fraud reports and even detects customer deception.

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Centralized Big Data from your ATM network

Reduce complaint handling times by associating video to all ATM transactions in your network and improve the customer experience.

With SCATI CASH, you will be able to search any information on a centralized database, minimizing search times and increasing the efficiency of your research area.

It provides a clear interpretation of the data, allowing the user to anticipate events and improve responses.

Case studies

Santander Bank Spain


Centralized security of more than 500 displaced ATMs

BBVA Colombia

bbva 1

Reducing ATM fraud through video integration with Transaction Monitoring

Mi Teleférico. EETC


Integration of video with transactions in ticket vending machines.

those who have already trusted us

banco mundo mujer
mifel 1
banco agrario colombia
banco gnb
lafise 1
ing 2
banorte 1
bbva 1
coltefinanciera 2
davivienda 1

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