Access Control – Contactless System

Video access control system



The system combines facial recognition analytics, body temperature monitoring and mandatory facemask use to allow safe access for users, whether they are workers or visitors.

It is a contactless system capable of identifying people and measuring their body temperature at a distance of up to 2 meters quickly, accurately and safely.

With the capacity to manage a database of up to 50,000 records, the system restricts access to the user if any of the conditions are violated and sends an automatic alarm to the control center so that operators can respond quickly.

icono integral abierta escalable 1

Comprehensive, open and scalable solution

Manage systems from a single VMS platform and add as many devices as you need at any given time.

icono gestion local centralizada edificios

Centralized and remote management

Collect all the alerts received (via email or pop-up) and the history of user accesses and exits.

icono diferentesModelos

Different terminal models

It can be installed on the wall, on windlasses or on an independent totem, in order to adapt to each scenario.

other solutions

temperatura corporal


Complement your system with the latest in body temperature measurement and mask detection to ensure safe environments and prevent contagion.

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