Video when and how you need it

Recorders for video surveillance

Wide variety of formats, to adapt to your recording needs.

plataformaCompleta grabadores
Regardless of the number of cameras, your storage needs, system architecture or whether or not you use video analytics, you will always find a SCATI recorder or recording server that offers high performance and high performance, easy to install and easy to use.

We care about the adoption of the most demanding cybersecurity policies in the industry and, because of this, all our recorders and recording servers are extremely robust in this regard, prioritizing logical security and continued reliability of the same.

Designed for 24×7 uninterrupted use, our equipment offers high image availability, thanks to self-diagnostic tools that allow you to anticipate any eventuality. They can be configured with hardware redundancy in their components (disks or power supplies), maximizing their failover protection, so you always have video available when and how you need it.

Our recorders use optimized compression algorithms (H.265 and H.265 ultra) to make the most of the available storage and work on networks where bandwidth may be quite limited.

With the latest in DeepLearning technologies, we have models that have specific artificial intelligence functionalities and intelligent video analytics, such as facial recognition, among others.

Whatever your needs, the SCATI VISION range is available as a recording platform that fits your security project like a glove.

SCATI NDAA-compliant products

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