License Plate Recognition System (LPR)


reconociemiento matriculas

Automate and control the entry and exit of vehicles to and from your facilities through License Plate Recognition (LPR) systems.

Keep track of vehicles on city streets or highways by setting up checkpoints with LPR cameras.

Locate the passage of any vehicle by its license plate, date or list to which it belongs. Get reports of vehicles accessing your facility or passing through a specific checkpoint for any time interval.

Receive alarms every time a license plate is recognized with the image of the vehicle and the list to which the license plate is associated.

Do you want to have control of the vehicles passing through a specific point?

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Black and white lists

The system allows you to create white and black lists and associate license plates to these lists, to facilitate or deny access of vehicles to the facilities, and even notify about vehicles of special interest (stolen, without ITV in force, etc.).

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Precise image search

Advanced search tools are available and you can check the passage or access of vehicles by date, time and license plate number. Download images of the vehicle at the time of passage or access to the installation.

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Preventive Tool

Receive real-time alarms every time the license plate of a vehicle of interest is recognized or you enter or exit a facility.

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Open, comprehensive and scalable

The system allows integration with card readers, intercom systems, etc. and can perform automatic actions such as opening the barrier.

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Cross-platform system

Manage centrally and remotely the information generated by LPR tools associated with vehicles, as well as images and video files of surveys.

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Business Intelligence

Your system will collect the information associated with each vehicle, license plates, time of passage or access so you can generate reports and statistics that allow you to improve decision making.

scati eye cameras


SCATI EYE Intelligent Series cameras provide the ability to bring all the work of intelligent video analysis to the front end, avoiding the need for costly centralized AIV servers and software, and isolating themselves from possible network unavailability.
With options for facial recognition, license plate reading, waiting time measurement, heat mapping or people counting, our Intelligent Series makes advanced functionalities accessible to all users.
In addition to being able to generate real-time alerts, they generate metadata to be exploited by our Business Intelligence solutions.

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business intelligence

Scati reckon business intelligence videovigilancia

SCATI RECKON allows the creation of dashboards by aggregating information from our own video surveillance systems and video analytics, as well as enabling the integration of data from third-party systems with images from our SCATI VISION recording servers.

SCATI RECKON allows you to create customized dashboards and balanced scorecards that will facilitate decision-making across all departments of your organization (sales/marketing, finance, HR, operations and logistics, etc.) and save time and costs.

case studies


BBVA (Peru)

soluciones matriculas bbva peru

Gestión automatizada de parking en instalaciones corporativas con acceso a más de 200 vehículos diarios mediante sistemas de reconocimiento de matrículas.

Centralized management of vehicle access through LPR (Spain)
soluciones matriculas parking

Integración de sistemas lecturas de matrículas con módulo SAP de logística para controlar el acceso de vehículos autorizados y la salida de mercancías de varias plataformas logísticas.

RedTortuga Service Stations (Spain)
soluciones matriculas redtortuga

Eliminar el uso fraudulento de tarjetas de descuento para no socios. El sistema comprueba si la matrícula coincide con la tarjeta asociada y habilita el surtidor de combustible de manera rápida y automática

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