PTZ Dome Series – Putting the focus on what really matters

PTZ video surveillance cameras

serie domo ptz

Their flexibility and versatility make them ideal for those environments where large areas need to be covered and the user wants to be able to control and focus on different points of interest at any given moment.

With different zoom options and resolutions, our PTZ Dome Series cameras will give you amazing quality, even from hundreds of meters away.

Get clear images even at night, thanks to the auto adaptive IR LEDs built into the camera itself and ensure that objects of interest are always properly illuminated.

They incorporate EIS (Electronic Image Stabilization) to minimize camera shake in windy conditions and avoid any blurring.

Whether your goal is to perform a patrol in a certain area using the programmed prepositions option, or if you need to do an auto tracking when a moving object or person is detected, the PTZ Dome Series cameras are your safe choice.

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