Panoramic Series – Don’t miss a single detail
Panoramic video surveillance cameras

For those large areas where you don’t know where the point of interest might be at any given moment, our SCATI EYE Panorama Series cameras will allow you to record the entire field of view with no blind spots.
Increase cost-efficiency with single-lens cameras, making use of a single recording channel thanks to the possibilities offered by dewarping, and focus your surveillance on the areas where events actually occur.
We also have multisensor cameras, to cover fields of vision of 180º, 270º or 360º, having the flexibility to consider each lens as an independent camera or to have a single image composed by the images captured by each one of the lenses. All from a single point and through a single camera, saving installation costs.
Thanks to the high resolution of the images that can be recorded, from 4Mpx to 32Mpx, forensic investigation works that make use of digital zoom will have an exceptional ally in the SCATI Panoramic Series cameras.