For a better and safer world

Join your talent to our passion for innovation.

Jobs at Scati

Working at SCATI means being part of a highly qualified, committed and motivated team with great human qualities.

We offer you a flexible and collaborative work environment, surrounded by the best colleagues and with new challenges that will help you grow professionally.

If you want to work in a dynamic, innovative environment and create a better and safer world, we are looking for you!

Interior SCATI 1 scaled

Some reasons why people like you choose us

estabilidad 3

99% of hires are permanent.


Choose the hours you want to work and combine your professional career with your personal life.

innovacion 2

Invest 20% in R&D.

crecimiento 2

It is part of the transformation to the new digital era.


Large companies bet on us because we bet on our team.

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Discover what makes us different

Our greatest recognition is the satisfaction of our customers. We support them in their digital transformation and help them create a safer and better world.

Join your talent to our passion for innovation. For a better and safer world.

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