Video technology, beyond security

SUITE VISION: Private Security and Surveillance Platform

A tailor-made intelligent video management solution

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SCATI offers you a complete platform for video surveillance management, the result of our own innovation and development work, which brings much more than security to your organization.

Our solution incorporates the latest in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, so our users can reliably get the most out of their CCTV system.

We have Business Intelligence tools that allow us to exploit the metadata from the different elements of the video surveillance system. They provide valuable data or management indicators, which help companies to optimize their processes and maximize their profitability.

Are you ready for the Digital Transformation of Security?


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Ensure device compatibility and ensure easy setup and commissioning.

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Open, flexible and scalable

Add as many devices as you need to the platform and save on future upgrades.

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Robust, stable and safe

We guarantee the availability of video under any circumstances and with the highest levels of cybersecurity.

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Our VMS adapts to the needs and requirements of your organization.

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Fast return on investment

Reduce the costs associated with fraud, crime, and operational management time.

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Business Intelligence

Identify improvements in your procedures and obtain business indicators (KPIs) to increase profitability.

Productos SCATI que cumplen con NDAA

SUITE VISION, the VMS that adapts to your organization’s operations

SUITE VISION is a video management platform for video surveillance that was born more than 25 years ago with the aim of offering comprehensive security solutions that could be adapted, through additional modules, to sectors with very specific needs.

Our SUITE VISION has evolved thanks to the particular needs and requirements of our clients, which has allowed us to position ourselves as a technological reference for sectors such as banking, logistics and hotels.

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Business Intelligence

Digital Transformation is a fact and more and more companies are deciding to face it.

At SCATI we want to promote Digital Transformation in the field of Security, incorporating intelligent video surveillance solutions to your operational processes. These solutions become a tool that facilitates decision-making not only in the security area, but also in other areas of the company, such as marketing, sales, operations, human resources, etc.

The incorporation of Artificial Intelligence in video systems makes it possible to extract information from images or devices and generate metadata associated with them.

Today it is possible to process all these large volumes of information with advanced Big Data tools, such as SCATI RECKON, and create comprehensive dashboards, adapted to the operations of each user, with the right information at the right time.

Recorders, video when and how you need it

Manufactured to work uninterruptedly, our equipment has been designed looking for the highest levels of robustness and reliability, ensuring the availability of images through hardware redundancy mechanisms so that you always have the video available when and how you need it.

No matter what your needs are, SCATI recorders and recording servers are perfectly suited to what you need.

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SCATI Cameras, A solution for every need

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From pinhole cameras for placement inside ATMs to cameras with integrated analytics capable of detecting intrusions, facial recognition, license plate readings or temperature measurements using thermography. We have a wide variety of cameras that operate under the standards set by ONVIF, which are NDAA Compliant and adapt perfectly to each situation that the project may require.

Discover our wide portfolio of cameras and choose the one that best suits your needs.


We accompany our clients throughout the project cycle, paying attention to the details that make the difference and making available a wide variety of services, so that each user can choose the ones that best suit their budget and operational needs.

Our goal, that our customers get the most out of our technology solutions.
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At SCATI, thanks to an experienced R&D department, we have been concerned about achieving the interoperability of our platform with other security systems, thanks to the modular architecture with which our software applications are designed.

We have a Software Development Kit (SDK), to integrate our platform with other security systems such as access control, alarm centers, PSIMs, etc.

This increases the efficiency of the overall security solution, automating actions and synchronizing the different platforms in a completely transparent way for the user.

CYBERSECURITY, closing all doors

SCATI designs its solutions with the highest levels of cybersecurity, aware that the “dark side” is also updated, creating new threats that are increasingly complex and sophisticated.

We incorporate advanced authentication and data encryption tools to protect against vulnerabilities, facilitating the convergence of physical and logical security for the total protection of your installation.

Learn about measures to minimize cyber-attacks on video surveillance systems.

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