The intelligent office

Centralized security of bank branches



SCATI’s solutions for banking are the result of innovating, evolving and adapting to the particular requirements of financial institutions, being open and integrable platforms, equipped with the latest in Artificial Intelligence following the strictest standards in the IT and cybersecurity world.

We are talking about complete solutions for intelligent video surveillance and access control, business intelligence (BI) tools and a single platform for integrating the different security and automation subsystems. These solutions are composed of all the hardware and software elements that may be needed, complemented by Big Data and AI tools that take SCATI’s value proposition for banks to the next level.

Beyond security, the office becomes the priority information collection point.

Thanks to the use of A.I. systems, information about users and their behaviors can be obtained to improve the business through heat maps, queue management, people counting, facial recognition, etc.

scati RECKON


The incorporation of Artificial Intelligence in our systems makes them a transversal and necessary tool for any company. Data, measurements and information from security systems can be used by other areas of the company to optimize procedures, improve customer knowledge or increase turnover.

SCATI RECKON allows the creation of dashboards by aggregating information from our own video surveillance systems and video analytics, as well as enabling the integration of data from third-party systems with images from our SCATI VISION recording servers.

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