CewTec joins the SCATI Partner Program This alliance will make it possible to work on innovative video surveillance projects in Costa Rica....
Video surveillance systems, the driving force behind the Digital Transformation of the Retail Industry
Toni Polo, Sales Director Spain and EMEA Region. SCATI With the e-Commerce boom, consumers today are more demanding. From any device connected to...
Video surveillance as a challenge for modern mobility
Alberto Pérez Aparicio, Sales Director LATAM at SCATI Video surveillance for fleet management Knowing what is happening in your fleet of vehicles,...
Video Surveillance Systems: The Future of the Automotive Industry
Gonzalo Micó Valdenebro, KAM SCATI. The economic crisis generated by the pandemic aggravates a situation that was already delicate due to the...
Inovatech joins the SCATI Partner Program.
Inovatech joins the SCATI Partner Program. With the signing of this agreement, we are committed to excellence and quality service in Mexico....
New technologies applied to CCTV systems
Miguel Ángel Gimeno, Marketing & Business Development Director. SCATI Product life cycles are getting shorter, technological innovations are...
Gotor Comunicaciones joins SCATI’s Partner Program
Gotor Comunicaciones joins SCATI's Partner Program SCATI and GOTOR join forces to support their customers in innovation Zaragoza, May 16, 2022...
Abion joins SCATI’s Partner Program
The partnership between Abion and SCATI will make it possible to offer video solutions to the most innovative projects in BrazilSCATI, a...
SCATI enters the U.S. video surveillance market.
SCATI WILL BE AT ISC WEST, Las Vegas. March 22-25thThe company presents the new features of its video management platform (VMS) from its booth No....
SCATI launches new corporate website
SCATI LAUNCHES NEW WEBSITEThe company adapts its website to current market demand with a more visual and intuitive format and more content.SCATI,...