Turn your data into decisions

Business Intelligence

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business intelligence

Business Intelligence (BI), is the set of applications, technologies and methodologies capable of gathering and transforming data into valuable and structured information to be used and analyzed directly. In this way, the information becomes into valuable data for decision making.

BI allows you to visualize data in an easily interpretable way based on indicators represented with graphic resources.

The basic objective of BI is to continuously support organizations to improve their competitiveness, providing the necessary information for decision making.

How business intelligence is applied

Business Intelligence tools are software that collect and process a large amount of unstructured data, which can come from various system sources: video surveillance (cameras and other devices), access controls, industrial or building management systems (air conditioning, lighting, etc.), but also from third-party systems: POS transaction data, ATMs, databases with company business data, etc.

This BI software helps transform this data into more easily interpretable information, which can be turned into reports, dashboards, graphs, and other versions that facilitate analysis.

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Benefits of Intelligent Video Analytics

Herramienta Business Intelligence 1

More and more businesses are seeing the need to invest in data analytics solutions for one simple reason: information is power. Thanks to it we can have total control of the data and increase the knowledge of the company, as well as:

– Save time and costs.
– Have better situational awareness.
– Achieve verified, transparent and reliable results.
– Improve the service offered to customers.
– New business opportunities.

When a decision-maker has to make a decision, he/she asks for or seeks information, which will help to reduce uncertainty. However, although everyone uses it, not all managers collect the same information; it depends on factors such as experience, training, availability, etc.

Scati reckon business intelligence videovigilancia

business intelligence

SCATI RECKON allows the creation of dashboards by aggregating information from our own video surveillance systems and video analytics, as well as enabling the integration of data from third-party systems with images from our SCATI VISION recording servers.

SCATI RECKON allows you to create customized dashboards and balanced scorecards that will facilitate decision-making across all departments of your organization (sales/marketing, finance, HR, operations and logistics, etc.) and save time and costs.

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