Turn your data into decisions
your business intelligence platform
More and more businesses are seeing the need to invest in data analytics solutions for one simple reason: information is power.
With our SUITE VISION you will not only protect your facilities and the people in them; you will also have SCATI RECKON, a transversal tool that can be used by other areas of your company to optimize procedures, improve customer knowledge, train employees or increase your business volume.
SCATI RECKON is our BI software, which centralizes and manages a large amount of data from cameras, recorders or even third-party systems. SCATI RECKON transforms data into useful information, allows the creation of graphs and balanced scorecards in a simplified way, shows that information in an organized way to the people who need to interpret it and make decisions based on it.
It doesn’t matter if you want to analyze statistics of vehicles passing through a certain point, the evolution of the temperature measured by a thermal imaging camera in an industrial process, the age ranges of the customers in your store, or simply the health status of your recorders. SCATI RECKON offers great flexibility for the user to configure the type of graphs and reports needed, and to share that information with the people who need to have access to it.

Discover how video technology, combined with this powerful BI tool, enables you to ensure safety, streamline processes, optimize your resources, decrease response times and maximize the profitability of your facility.


balanced scorecards
It allows the creation of customizable dashboards or reports adapted to the user’s management and operation needs.

Several modules are available for you to choose the one that best suits your needs.

return on investment
Get the most out of your cameras and devices and exploit all the information your video surveillance system has to offer.
ATM and POS Transactions

Recoja información asociada a las operaciones realizada en ATMs o TPVs: código operación, número de tarjeta, fecha, etc.
Traceability of goods

Centralice la información asociada a cada mercancía: N.º expedición, tracking, origen, destino, dimensiones, etc.
Asset Tracking

Recopile la información asociada a cualquier mercancía, persona o activo.
License plate recognition

Obtenga información asociada a todos los vehículos: matrícula, fecha, horario de acceso.
Capacity control and queue management

Recoja la información sobre el número de personas que acceden/esperan en una fila, tiempo, horario,etc.
Heat maps

Obtenga información sobre las zonas más transitadas, el tiempo medio, el tráfico, etc.
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