Put “eyes” on day-to-day operations

ATM fraud prevention



evite fraude tiempo real

Organizations need a proactive protection strategy to combat fraud, both internal and external, and video is an effective security measure that will provide you with tangible evidence to expedite prosecutions and prevent fraudulent claims.

Locate images from the video surveillance system associated with any operation in just seconds and obtain an agile and efficient response to suspicious operations that put your customers or your own institution at risk of fraud.

SCATI’s solutions, in the case of financial institutions, allow integration with specific fraud prevention software, which monitors ATM operations in real time, providing the institution with a much more complete anti-fraud solution.

Can you imagine reducing ATM fraud by up to 90%?

icono integracion video transacciones atms

ATM Transaction Association

SCATI CASH is able to interpret data from any ATM manufacturer, thanks to its flexibility, and to associate the operations carried out at the ATM with the images recorded by the video surveillance system.

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Silent control

It is possible to prevent internal fraud by incorporating tools to monitor employees work in order to detect possible fraudulent acts.

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Integration with transactional monitoring systems

Upon identification of a suspicious person or behavior in the fraud detection software, security managers will receive an automatic alarm with the associated image or video, and the corresponding action protocol will be activated.

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Advanced Forensic Search

Locate any person in a matter of seconds through advanced search filters (faces, names, IDs, etc.) or reference images, and get all the information about their access and exits from the premises.

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Validity of evidence

By being able to associate transaction data or people’s actions to images in a specific way, we obtain a very powerful tool for the presentation of evidence in legal proceedings.

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Business Intelligence

With the information collected, a business intelligence system is exploited, accessible by other departments of the organization, which use the information to prepare reports and improve decision making.


SCATI CASH integrates ATM operations with camera images to ensure the traceability of transactions and associate them with video.

Identify suspects, verify video alarms in real time, detect physical or anti-skimming attacks, and prevent fraud by automatically prevent fraud by triggering existing action protocols.

With SCATI CASH you can search by any parameter (type, code, card number, date, etc.) and locate the associated images and provide tangible evidence to speed up legal proceedings and avoid false claims by customers.


These small-sized devices are ideal for small installations requiring no more than 4 IP cameras.

Their highly compact format, efficient heat dissipation design (fanless technology) and the absence of ventilation elements, make them silent, robust and perfect for ATMs.

Videograbadore atms cajeros automaticos


Financial institution (Mexico)

Banca Mexico Prevencion Fraude1

Supervision of bank commercial teams to prevent internal fraud.

BBVA (Colombia)

atm bbv

Reducing ATM fraud through video integration with Transaction Monitoring and use of SCATI CASH

My Cable Car – EETC (Bolivia)

3 atm miteleferico

Integration of video with transactions in ticket vending machines.

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