Protecting what matters


the brain of the access control system

Controllers are the backbone and the key to adaptive safety and smooth management of your spaces.

Simplify the administration of multiple access points and ensure operability thanks to the fact that our controllers store permission and user databases locally, without the need to connect to the main server.


scatiAccess controladora SMC


SCATI MASTER CONTROLLERS (SMC) are designed to perform the tasks of the master controller in an access control system.

It has the business logic to autonomously manage the elements that depend on it, without the need for active connection to the central server.

It offers a complete set of functionalities for efficient management and control of door controllers (SDC), through a dedicated communications bus.


scatiAccess controladora SDC 1


The SCATI DOOR CONTROLLERS (SDC) have been specially designed to perform the decoding and interpretation tasks of different reader models (numeric, proximity, biometric, etc.) and send the information obtained to the SMC master controller.

The SDC has been completely designed and developed by SCATI, incorporating all the necessary interfaces to manage the different elements existing in a given control point.


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