Physical connection with other systems
leveraging the capabilities of systems integration
Input/output devices and physical controllers play an essential role in system integration, allowing integration software to connect to and control the physical world. By collecting real-time data, enabling precise control, detecting events and improving efficiency, these devices provide an invaluable set of benefits. The controllers, on the other hand, increase reliability, availability and local processing capacity, ensuring optimum performance in a variety of applications.
Together, these components enhance the ability of systems integration solutions to create more secure, efficient and adaptive environments.
The SMC-SENTRY Master controllers are essential components in the system integration infrastructure, performing the gateway functions between the SDIO-12 series signal multiplexers (up to a maximum of 16) and the SCATI SENTRY management software.
These specialized devices bring a number of advantages to system integration such as increased reliability and availability by decentralizing processing, as they can continue to operate even in the event of loss of network connectivity, relieving the network load between them and the central server. Therefore, in environments where latency is critical, such as the manufacturing industry, controllers enable instantaneous responses for precise control.
The SDIO-12 Multiplexer module is designed to capture field sensor information through its digital and analog input channels, acting as the vital bridge between the physical world and the SCATI SENTRY system integration software. It has 12 protected digital inputs, as well as 12 relay outputs, through which actions can be commanded on the control elements.
Examples of these command actions are : 1) Real time data collection (temperature, humidity, etc.); 2) Accurate control of locks, lighting, fire systems, etc.; 3) Alarm and event detection, and 4) Integration with legacy systems not compatible with current digital connectivity.