Scati achieves CMMI Maturity Level 2 (ML2)

May 15, 2012


CMMI model ensures the quality in the development of software projects and guarantees a continuous improvement in the processes for the design and creation of the company´s new products

Scati, a world reference in the surveillance market, has achieved a Maturity Level 2 (ML2) according to the CMMI model (specifically CMMI-DEV, in its version 1.3) for the new product development process, as a result of its commitment with product quality and customer satisfaction.
Developed by SEI (Software Engineering Institute), CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) is one the most important models in the world which establishes a set of good praxis for the evaluation of processes in the development, maintenance and operation of software systems.
“Thanks to the use of this good praxis, we will improve our planning processes and products quality. This offers us a differential value for undertaking big security projects” declares Benito Cuezva, General Manager at Scati.
See the result of the evaluation, carried out on March, 2012 at database  PARS (Published Appraisal Results)
See CMMi certification                                                                                  See Quality Certifications