For safe teaching


Video surveillance solutions for the safety and security of educational centers

Security, accessibility and privacy under one concept


Regardless of the number of students and the size of their facilities, all educational centers face the same challenge: creating a safe environment conducive to learning.

Every day hundreds of people, students, teachers, and other visitors, wander freely through the educational facilities. To ensure their security, deter violence and theft, and minimize vandalism, institutions need proactive security tools to prevent, identify perpetrators, and resolve incidents in the shortest possible time.

Video systems must be flexible and scalable and must be able to leverage existing infrastructure and cameras, opening the door for evolution as new security needs arise.

Video systems have become a tool capable of managing independent systems under a single interface and are obliged to comply with different data protection policies while maintaining the privacy of individuals.

Is your security system evolving as the needs of your educational institution grow?

Challenges in education security

seguridad de la informacion

Information Security

In a recent study by a large consultancy firm, 80% of Spanish universities reported having suffered a cyber attack in the last 12 months, showing a growing concern about taking action on cybersecurity.

Does your current video system provide the necessary tools to protect against physical and cyber threats?

proteccion fisica y logica instalaciones

Data protection

Privacy and data management are other aspects that most concern the educational community.

Blurring the faces of people captured by CCTV systems, access to information by authorized personnel and downloading and sending encrypted files to law enforcement are some of the features that the system must offer.

retorno inversion

Return on investment

Leveraging existing analog cameras and infrastructure; upgrading, integrating and scaling all systems; or adapting to changing day-to-day conditions can be a significant investment without an open, flexible and scalable solution. A solution that evolves as security measures grow.

Is your video system capable of managing change and adapting to future situations?

Video solutions for schools

More than 25 years of designing “custom” video solutions have allowed us to develop a video management platform (VMS) capable of evolving and adapting to the changing needs of educational institutions.

Manage all video devices centrally from our platform and get the most out of your CCTV system with our advanced video management tools.

monitor educacion
portatil educacion
tablet banca
icono integral abierta escalable

Comprehensive, open and scalable solution

Manage all devices from a single VMS platform and flexibly expand your system at any time.

icono gestion local centralizada edificios

Local and centralised building management

View and manage devices, monitor system-wide status, and facilitate investigations from one place at any time.

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Bandwidth optimization

Manage complex networks, where thousands of computers coexist with limited bandwidth, without worrying about storage and video streaming.

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Maps and Plans

Speed up the resolution of incidents through the use of customized maps and plans of your facilities, with a more interactive operation, focusing the investigations in the areas considered of interest.

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Forensic search and preventive management

Advanced search and management tools are available to optimize forensic work, providing a quick response, reducing time and associated costs.

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Business Intelligence for decision making

Its system will collect the information coming from the intelligent analytics on the images so that the different managers can make decisions that improve the daily operations and the protocols of action.

adding value to your INSTITUTION

The proactivity of our video management platform will allow you to detect intruders and incidents, alerting you in advance so that the established action protocols can be adopted in each possible scenario.

Our SCATI VMS will allow you to know who is on campus, know the occupancy rate of your buildings at all times, detect abandoned objects, manage parking lots through LPR system, and all under the same interface.

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How to integrate your security systems in 10 steps

How to integrate your security systems in 10 steps

Systems integration is key to improving the safety and operational efficiency of any facility. Without centralized management, risks increase, costs skyrocket and operations become inefficient.

At SCATI, we develop solutions such as SCATI SENTRY, an advanced platform that allows connecting and coordinating video surveillance systems, access control, alarms and more, ensuring seamless total control.

In this article, we present 10 essential steps for a successful integration, from infrastructure assessment and technology compatibility to process automation and cybersecurity.

case studies


South Valley University (Egypt)

Protection of university campus with more than 18 faculties with the most advanced technologies in CCTV systems.

Public schools Sao Paulo (Brazil)

Protection of almost 1,600 public schools in São Paulo through more than 8,000 video surveillance cameras.

Jules Verne School (Guatemala)

Protection of the campus of one of the most prestigious schools in Guatemala.

Those who have already trusted us
julio verne
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