Video surveillance systems, the driving force behind the Digital Transformation of the Retail Industry

Dec 5, 2022

Toni Polo, Sales Director Spain and EMEA Region. SCATI

With the e-Commerce boom, consumers today are more demanding. From any device connected to the network, they are able to compare features, prices, know the ratings of other customers and make a decision even without physically seeing the product.

Despite the trend towards digitalization, retail is committed to adopting an omnichannel strategy, where stores are transformed into spaces where they can offer “unique experiences” to their customers.


Technology is redefining this shopping experience and allows brands to know their customers, their consumption patterns, even predict their purchase intentions.

Specifically, Artificial Intelligence, data collection and interpretation (Big Data) are the basis for offering increasingly personalized and unique user experiences.

On-demand services

Thanks to facial recognition, CCTV systems classify customers through demographic variables (gender, age, etc.) in real time, “anonymizing” any data, thus complying with the Data Protection regulatory framework.

Real time capacity control

Know the exact number of people in an establishment and track occupancy automatically.

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Checkout lines and customer service

The video systems detect if a queue exceeds the desired number of people or the maximum waiting time and send an alarm so that the store reacts and minimizes waiting times by opening, for example, a cash register automatically.

Fraud prevention at self-service checkouts

Locating video surveillance images associated with any operation performed on your POS network in just seconds for an agile response to suspicious transactions is vital to eliminate the risk of fraud.

“Data Driven Marketing”.

Data Driven Marketing collects information from customer interactions. This method provides insight into consumer motivations, preferences and behaviors to anticipate their needs, improve the customer experience and generate greater revenues and profits.

But how can we collect this information without conditioning our customers’ behavior?

Video technology is emerging as one of the most suitable technologies, as it collects the images and therefore associated data (metadata) without interfering in the purchase process. to eliminate the risk of fraud.
