Interview to Daniel Larrodé. Chief Operating Officer & Chief Technology Officer (COO & CTO). SCATI.

Nov 25, 2019


‘We try to understand our customers to provide them with the latest technology solutions”.


Our commitment to customers is our reason for being.

Because of this and with the objective to provide our customers with a 360º service, all the company’s departments (R&D, Project Technical Office, Technical Support, etc.) have embraced a “customer culture”. We get involved in every project, from the development of the project to its implementation to adapt technology to their real needs.

Managing the customer experience is a competitive differentiation strategy going beyond our customers’ satisfaction. For us, it is a true discipline in which we try to understand our customers to search and design the latest technology solutions to solve problems that sometimes they do not even know.

When we work on solving a particular problem, there is always an empty chair referencing the place the customer would take. The objective is to have them present when developing video solutions.

Our professional services, where before and after sales, advising in the project design, implementation, etc. are included, are, without doubt, the most valuable intangible assets of the SCATI brand.

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As we have already pointed out, customers are the cornerstone of our business model. Therefore, we design and develop video-based solutions to meet their needs.

Offering a comprehensive video-surveillance solution has become a “commodity” that all the manufacturers in our sector should solve but SCATI, apart from offering a solution ensuring comprehensive security of facilities, considers video as a tool able to solve other problems not related to security.

Our video systems feature deeplearning algorithms (IA) that allow to predict behaviours and conducts that not only prevent any criminal offence but also are able to offer relevant information to facilitate decision-taking in other departments of the company to improve processes and procedures, improve customer service, etc. and, definitely, to increase profitability.

Now, we find ourselves in a new era, that of smart video. Our technological developments are not only aimed at ensuring security in large facilities, but also we offer advanced video tools based on AI (Artificial Intelligence) such as facial recognition, counting of people or video solutions embarked in vehicles with GPS positioning facilitating decision-taking in sectors such as banking, retailing, logistics and transport, etc.

In this regard, one of our latest solutions is SCATI RECKON. Based on Video Business Intelligence, Reckon is able to analyse a large amount of apparently unrelated information, to display it in a correlated, simplified and organised way, with the objective to favour decision-taking at business level. RECKON reduces the administration time, makes daily operation of systems easier and optimises any business process increasing the business profitability.

For our customers, SCATI video solutions are not considered as an expense of the security department but as an investment in tools allowing to increase profits and return of investment (ROI).

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With more than 50 customers in the banking sector, SCATI has become a leading company in providing video solutions for this sector both in Spain and Latin America.

Financial entities, due to the large amount of economic assets they handle, are subject to strict laws that make them implement systems ensuring the security of their assets and of persons.

SCATI has evolved due to the demanding requirements from banks. That is why, today we have a specialised and professional security platform meeting the needs of each bank, requirements of their environment and regulations of their country.

High level of demand has made us grow as a company and develop more and more technologically advanced solutions becoming the leading company in offering customised video solutions.

For this reason, large companies in sectors such as retailing, industry and transport, among others, have trusted us for implementing advanced video solutions protecting the security of their facilities, with which they can take decisions in real time in the event of incidences in order to minimise the consequences.

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In a market, where globalisation and competition are higher, there are important actors/manufacturers offering basically the same, catalogues of products that are not able to provide comprehensive solutions to the problems and situations their customers have.

SCATI is different from the rest of its competitors because of its capacity of adaptation and flexibility to develop solutions according to our customers’ requirements.

During the entire process, from the definition of the project until its implementation, SCATI helps its customers exploit the investment made to the maximum.

To do so, we have an experienced Project Technical Office for its definition and implementation, a R&D department able to develop solutions meeting every customer’s requirements and a Technical Support professional team able to solve any incidence arising.

For our customers, we are not only a supplier but also a partner to help them face their security projects now and in the future.

Do you need a comprehensive video solution? Contact us