Hotel resort in Cancun (MEXICO)

Aug 31, 2016


SCATI implements its mass recording platform, KRAKEN, designed for the efficient management of one of the main hotel resorts in Cancun

Cancun is one of the most tourist destinations in Mexico. Every year, millions of tourists go the hotels in the area looking for rest and relaxation. The most important international hotel chains run facilities which perfectly combine the well-being of the clients with the security of the resorts. One of the most important hotels in Cancun trusts in SCATI to guarantee the users and employees security.

The variety of settings in this kind of facilities, in which people circulate freely, compose a heterogeneous set of areas, with different restrictions and limitations. For example, cameras should be resistant to the corrosive effect of beach environments. At the same time, the cameras should be aesthetically harmonious with the luxury facilities, without affecting the guest well-being. 

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