SCATI, named Innovative SME by the Ministry of Economy

Dec 22, 2015


This acknowledgement is a clear indication of the transparency of the company’s R+D+i activities, providing added value and improving its corporate image and competitiveness

SCATI, a company that specialises in comprehensive IP video solutions, has been given the Innovative SME award by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. This designation will be valid until December 2018 and rewards the company's efforts in the search for innovation and development. 
SCATI has an in-house R+D+i department that enables it to offer solutions adapted to the needs of its clients. Its commitment to innovation has made the Spanish company a reference in safety projects for distributed installations.
As a sample of its innovative character, SCATI has just obtained the certification in the new version of the UNE 166002 standard to optimise investigation and development processes based on known management system structures. This recognition is awarded by the Spanish Association for Standardisation and Certification (AENOR), resulting in quality and company improvements, which becomes tangible in the company's products and services.
As a result of this recognition, SCATI can demonstrate the transparency of its R+D+i activities, providing added value and improving its corporate image and competitiveness.