SCATI PLATE, the license plate recognition integrated with Scati Video Management Syste

Feb 13, 2013


SCAIT PLATE, the license plate recognition and plate management system developed by Scati, provides a unique solution to read plates of moving vehicles in urban scenes and motorways, gas stations and in slow scenes as parkings, tolls, etc.

Scati, specialist manufacturer in the design of comprehensive CCTV solutions for the control and efficient surveillance of large facilities, has launched Scati Plate, the license recognition system integrated with its Video Management Systems.
Scati Plate solution is a plate recognition system in real time for multiple lanes focused on the control of wide urban areas by ministries and municipalities. Its multicamera management is the main asset of this solution.
The system can be integrated with urban video surveillance system, optimizing resources and combining the potential of both systems. They can retrieve images from the license plate recognition system for its analysis, just taking advantage of existing CCTV infrastructure.
With 99% of success rate in all lighting and weather conditions, the solution also includes a powerful management tool, providing important added values as setting white and black lists, self-diagnosis system, either recorded or real time video display, interactive maps, recycling of plate recognitions according local laws or reporting and statistics generation. 
Scati Suite tools make possible a centralized management of the licensed plate recognition system as well as the CCTV system from the Control Centre recording automatically the incidents. An alarm will display the corresponding video to the recognition time and will give other relevant data. Scati Suite is an open and scalable platform so the system can be extended in the future.
Scati Plate recognition system constantly updates data about recognized plates on its database. In every moment, therefore, we have updated traffic data: vehicle image, plate, time and checkpoint crossed.
The enormous adaptability of Scati Plate allows a large number of applications in different sectors. In this way, the License Plate Recognition system of Scati makes possible monitoring traffic in cities and on roads, on tolls, etc. as well as the access control to airports, and other large facilities.
This solution has been installed at the ports to control the containers as well as inside the police cars in order to make the recording of images of the vehicle on the road.